Angela Osmar is a National Academy for State Health Policy Fellow spending 8 months with the Foundation for Black Women’s Wellness where she is assisting in the implementation and assessment of Community Powered Listening Sessions in support of the policy initiative “Black Women Deserve”. Professionally and by training, Angela is a community advocate whose interests include racial equity in health care and addressing issues impacting marginalized communities’ overall well-being, such as safe and clean communities, racial wealth gaps, and education. Angela started her post-college career as a foster care youth program coordinator and after a year, entered the sexual and reproductive field as a federal policy intern for Power to Decide. Once completed, she moved on to work at Planned Parenthood Federation of America on the public policy team. She now works as a federal policy specialist, tracking and managing federal rules and regulations relevant to the organization’s work. Angela graduated from Stetson University with a Bachelor of Science in Psychology. She is also an alumna of Public Allies, an AmeriCorps service branch.