Health Equity Interns

We look to equip the next generation of health equity leaders with knowledge,skills, and experience to lead that vision.

We envision a world where Black Women are healthy, thriving, and free.

We look to equip the next generation of health equity leaders with knowledge, skills, and experience to lead that vision.

Meet Our 2025 Interns & Fellows

Meet Our 2022 High School Interns

Internship Alumni

Who Should Apply?
The Foundation for Black Women’s Wellness accepts applicants with at least one year of college and work experience. Internships differ depending on needs and capacity. At minimum internships run for 8 weeks. Most internships run the duration of the semester for which you apply, 13-15 weeks. Summer internships are best suited for students who can commit to 20 or more hours per week, and are fulfilling their degree program requirements.

Our summer semester is our most competitive semester. Students interested in a Fall or Spring placement should be prepared to commit at least 10 hours per week or a 150 hrs/semester. We also host students looking to fulfill practicum requirements for health related professions, including but not limited to Community Health Workers and community navigators. All applicants should use the intern application portal to apply for placement.

When to Apply:
We accept applications until the close date for the designated semester.
Fall Semester: June 1st
Spring Semester: November 1st
Summer Semester: February 28th

How to Apply:  
Intern applications are reviewed by our intern coordinator in the order they are received and placements are prioritized for Black women scholars. Internships can be in person, virtual or hybrid. We currently partner with two pathway programs for priority placements. If you are a student from Spelman College or the University of Wisconsin - Madison, School of Medicine and Public Health’s Master of Public Health program, you are encouraged to apply through your appropriate program pathways.
Spelman College: Faculty and Staff in the Health Careers Program, reference the RUSCH program
UW SMPH MPH: Contact Community Engagement Coordinator in the MPH Department

Applications should be done in one sitting, please prepare your documents ahead of time.
You will be asked to upload the following:
- Cover letter
- Resume
- Unofficial transcript

Please clearly label your files using the following format: FirstName.LastName.DocumentName.year

Upon review of your application, our intern coordinator will be in touch.

Intern Experiences

Interns promote:

  • Health Equity
  • Public Awareness & Engagement with FFBWW
  • Healthy Women, Families & Communities

Interns perform:

  • Critical Research & Special Projects
  • Community Outreach & Engagement
  • Marketing, Public Relations, Communications & Event support